Chapter 13 -- What have We Here?
Sometimes, we use verb expressions to describe a past action. These expressions contain the verb to have or the verb to be and the past form of a verb to make sentences,
such as “I have been to Madrid” or "I was gone for two days." These forms are called compound verbs, and are always made by using the verb to have or the verb to be and the past form of the main verb.
The verb haber is the Spanish equivalent of the auxilliary verb “to have”.
In group 1, the past forms are made by adding -ado to the stem. In groups 2 and 3, the past forms are made by adding -ido to the stem.
All of the stems are regular. When used with the verb haber, almost all of the past forms are regular.
The compound forms have the same usage in Spanish as in English. The following examples show the usage.
The forms using “have” as the auxilliary verb are:
I have spoken |
Yo he hablado |
You have eaten |
Tú has comido |
He has accepted |
Él ha aceptado |
She has danced |
Ella ha bailado |
You have established |
Usted ha establecido |
Who has finished |
¿Quién ha finito? |
We have walked |
Nosotros hemos caminado |
You have voted |
Vosostros habéis votado |
They have divided |
Ellos han dividido |
They have bought |
Ellas han comprado |
You have formed |
Ustedes han formado |
Who have worked |
Qienes han trabajado |
The forms using “had” as the auxilliary verb are:
I had swum |
Yo había nadado |
You had agreed |
Tú habías acordado |
He had extended |
Él había extendido |
She had prepared |
Ella había preparado |
You had washed |
Usted había lavado |
Who had carried |
Quién habia portado |
We had invested |
Nosotros habíamos investido |
You had purchased |
Vosotros habíais comprado |
They had flown |
Ellos habían volado |
They had listed |
Ellas habían listado |
You had loved |
Ustedes habían amado |
Who had eaten |
Quienes habian comido |
The forms using “will have” as the auxilliary verb are:
I will have eaten |
Yo habré comido |
You will have recorded |
Tú habrás recordado |
He will have earned |
Él habrá ganado |
She will have sung |
Ella habrá cantado |
You will have planted |
Usted habrá plantado |
Who will have finished |
Quién habrá finito |
We will have distributed |
Nosotros habremos distribuido |
You will have given |
Vosotros habréis dado |
They will have studied |
Ellos habrán estudiado |
They will have retained |
Ellas habrán retenido |
You will have read |
Ustedes habrán leido |
Who will have carried |
Quienes habrán portado |
The forms using “would have” as the auxilliary verb are:
I would have eaten |
Yo habría comido |
You would have recorded |
Tú habrías recordado |
He would have earned |
Él habría ganado |
She would have sung |
Ella habría cantado |
You would have planted |
Usted habría plantado |
Who would have ordered |
Quién habría ordenado |
We would have distributed |
Nosotros habríamos distribuido |
You would have given |
Vosotros habríais dado |
They would have studied |
Ellos habrían estudiado |
They would have retained |
Ellas habrían retenido |
You would have read |
Ustedes habrían leido |
Who would have voted |
Quienes habrían votado |
Past Forms of Verbs
In group 1, the past forms are made by adding -ado to the stem. In groups 2 and 3, the past forms are made by adding -ido to the stem.
All the stems of the three groups are regular.
There are some verbs which are irregular in two ways. First, some verbs have two past forms, a regular and an irregular form.
Second, some verbs have only an irregular past form. The regular forms are used with haber. The irregular forms are used with estar and ser.
Naturally, if only an irregular form exists, that form is used with haber. The following table summarizes the forms.
Verb | Regular form | Irregular form |
abrir, to open | --- | abierto, opened |
abstraer, to abstract | abstraido | abstracto, abstracted |
compeler, to compel | compleido | compulso, compelled |
concluir, to conclude | concluido | concluso, concluded |
like concluir: | ||
excluir, to exclude | excluido | excluso, excluded |
incluir, to include | incluido | incluso, included |
confundir, to confuse | confundido | confuso, confused |
convertir, to convert | convertido | converso, converted |
like convertir | ||
invertir, to invert | invertido | inverso, inverted |
corregir, to correct | corregido | correcto, corrected |
cubrir, to cover | --- | cubierto, covered |
like cubrir: | ||
descubrir, to discover | --- | descubierto, discovered |
decir, to say | --- | dicho, said |
like decir: | ||
bendecir, to bless | bendecido | bendito, blessed |
contradecir, to contradict | --- | contradicho, contradicted |
desdecir, to disagree | --- | desdicho, disagreed |
maldecir, to curse | maldecido | maldito, cursed |
predecir, to predict | --- | predicho, predicted |
elegir, to elect | elegido | electo, elected |
escribir, to write | --- | escrito, written |
like escribir: | ||
describir, to describe | --- | descrito, described |
prescribir, to prescribe | --- | prescrito, prescribed |
proscribir, to proscribe | --- | proscrito, proscribed |
suscribir, to subscribe | --- | suscrito, subscribed |
transcribir, to transcribe | --- | transcrito, transcribed |
extender, to extend | extendido | extenso, extended |
like extender: | ||
pretender, to pretend | pretendido | pretenso, pretended |
subtender, to sustain | subtendido | substenso, sustained |
suspender, to suspend | suspendido | suspenso, suspended |
fijar, to fix, fasten | fijado | fijo, fixed, fastened |
freìr, to fry | freìdo | frito, fried |
like freìr | ||
refreìr, to refry | refreìdo | refrito, refried |
sofreìr, to fry lightly, brown | sofreìdo | sofrito, browned |
hacer, to do, to make | --- | hecho, done, made |
like hacer: | ||
contrahacer, to counterfeit | --- | contrahecho, counterfeited |
deshacer, to undo | --- | deshecho, undone |
satisfacer, to satisfy | --- | satisfecho, satisfied |
hartar, to overeat or drink, to stuff | hartado | harto, stuffed |
imprimir, to print | imprimido | impreso, printed |
ingerir, to insert | ingerido | ingerto, inserted |
infundir, to infuse | infundido | infuso, infused |
juntar, to join | juntado | junto, joined |
manifestar, to manifest | manifestado | manifiesto, manifested |
morir, to die | --- | muerto, died |
nacer, to be born | nacido | nato, born |
poner, to put | --- | puesto, put |
like poner: | ||
componer, to compose | --- | compuesto, composed |
descomponer, to decompose | --- | descompuesto, decomposed |
disponer, to dispose | --- | dispuesto, disposed |
exponer, to expose | --- | expuesto, exposed |
imponer, to impose | --- | impuesto, imposed |
oponer, to oppose | --- | opuesto, opposed |
proponer, to propose | --- | propuesto, proposed |
reponer, to replace | --- | repuesto, replaced |
suponer, to suppose | --- | supuesto, supposed |
transponer, to transpose | --- | transpuesto, transposed |
poseer, to possess | poseido | poseso, possessed |
prender, to grasp | prendido | prenso, grasped |
proveer, to provide | proveido | provisto, provided |
romper, to break | --- | roto, broken |
soltar, to loosen, untie | soltado | suelto, loosened, untied |
teñir, to dye, tint | teñido | tinto, dyed, tinted |
torcer, to twist | torcido | tuerto, twisted |
tumefacerse, to swell, grow tumorous | --- | tumefacto, swollen |
ver, to see | --- | visto, seen |
like ver: | ||
prever, to preview | --- | previsto, previewed |
rever, to review | --- | revisto, reviewed |
volver, to turn: vuelto, turned | ||
like volver: | ||
devolver, to return | --- | devuelto, returned |
resolver, to resolve | --- | resuelto, resolved |
revolver, to revolve | --- | revuelto, revolved |
solver, to solve | --- | suelto, solved |
The book was returned |
El libro fué devuelto. |
The texts were written |
Los textos fueron escritos. |
The door is open |
La puerta está abierta. |
examples: The law has resolved the matter. La ley ha resuelto el asunto.
The members have seen the report. Los miembros han visto el reporte.
When used impersonally, the verb haber is translated into English in accord with its time frame.
Present tense: the form of the verb is hay which is used for singular and plural subjects.
there is no coffee. no hay cafe
there are ten cars hay diez carros
When it begins a sentence, the expression hay que ~~ translates into English as “it is necessary to ~~”. The word “que” is always followed by an infinitive.
Simple past tense: the form is hubo which is used for singular and plural subjects.
yesterday, there was an explosion ayer hubo una explosión
On Monday, there was 10 cars. En lunes, hubo 10 autos.
[ notice the clear expression of time ]
Imperfect past tense: the form is había which is used for singular and plural subjects.
Once, there were ten houses. una vez, había diez casas.
There were three men at home había tres hombres en casa
[ notice that the time frame is undefined ]
Future tense: the form is habrá which is used for singular and plural subjects.
Conditional tense: the form is habría which is used for singular and plural subjects.
¿Adónde habría ido él? |
Where would he have gone? |
there would be peace |
Future perfect: the form is habrá followed by a past participle.
el contador nos dijo que para mañana habrá terminado el reporte |
The accountant told us that he will have finished the report |
This book is available from under item number 3352644. Books purchased from Lulu are accompanied by a complete list of irregular verbs and all of their forms.
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